Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I HATE.... ME!!!!

For the first time in a long time I took a good long hard look at myself in the mirror.

I didn't like one single thing that I saw.

I am WAY WAY WAY too much overweight!! FAT FAT FAT!!!!!!!!!

Hair is turning grey... it's longer now than it has been in well...ever.
I'm not really sure how I feel about this... It never really looks nice.

My skin is all red/purple blotchy looking... The other day while talking with a friend I noticed the palms of my hands were RED HOT and the backs of my hands were ICE COLD!

My eyes look so empty to me... like no one is home.
I now have to wear glasses all the time if I want to see any kind of detail.

My teeth are pretty yellow from years of drinking tea, coffee, and sodas... YUCK!! I brush them and floss them at least 3 times a day... the yellow just doesn't fade away... :0(

My legs have been stuffed with tons of cottage cheese.... nasty fatty legs...thigh area mainly.

My stomach has a double keg.... I remember when it was a six pack...

I HATE to see pictures of me... NASTY!

It's hard to look what is inside of me when I HATE what I can see.

1 comment:

  1. God doesn't look at the outside he sees your heart. You have a beautiful heart. I love you. I am hoping to be home soon and we will spend some time together. (((HUGS))))
