Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Blah day...

It's been a long day today... my heart is feeling really empty and confused.
I feel as though my heart is telling me to prepare for a goodbye. As if someone is going to be leaving me. I just want to cry.

I don't know if this...the way I am feeling is part of the bp depression or if it's some sort of premonition... (please don't think I'm wierd... I'd rather be prepared than be surprised.)

I have a bunch of thoughts bouncing around in my head but I just can't get them to come off of my fingers. I know this is part of the bp... it happens quite often and it's very frustrating.... what is worse is that this happens when I am talking to someone and my thoughts keep getting mixed up and the conversation seems to go a million different ways in just a few minutes.

Well, I hope my friends and family are having a great day and that everyone reaches their destinations safely. It's lightly snowing here.

Prayers and hugs go out to everyone in my life.


1 comment:

  1. Keep your chin up, you know it can't last forever.......OR....You could join in the making of the Snow Angels. Who know maybe it would shock your system into remission....LOL
    You know I Love Ya.
