Monday, January 26, 2009

Here it goes.....

Well... Here it goes...

My Journey --- Learning to grow in faith... I've only just begun. For many years I didn't believe and actually refused to believe that God loved me in any way shape or form. I am now learning that I am one of God's children and that he does indeed love me even though I am way far from perfect and still question so very much where He is concerned. I know for certain that He fills my heart with much love even when I am so very lost.

I also know and believe that God has placed some VERY WONDERFUL, SPECIAL, LOVING, and CARING people into my life and most importantly He placed them into my heart. I know without them in my life... I wouldn't be here.

My Journey is also about my battle with RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) an incurable and extremely painful disease that makes every nerve ending in my body feel as though I've been left on an iceberg in the antartic in the baking sun. I could also explain RSD as... imagine hitting your thumb with a sledgehammer from a full swing and that instant wanting to puke immeasurable pain.... that's kinda close to how I feel with RSD everyday.

I try not to complain about my having RSD... but... if it's a really bad day... I may just have to vent a little....

My Journey is also about recent diagnosis of BiPolar and how it affects my daily life and the impact it has on me, my family, and my friends.

That's it for now... more in days to come.

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