Saturday, June 12, 2010

Fear and Worry....

The fear of the unknown is once again causing my stomach to churn...
I was successful in pushing it aside for the majority of my day but now it's back with a vengance.
It feels as though a boxer has beat my insides to a messy pulp.

My head and heart are about to shake themselves to pieces.
Not to feet and legs are very swollen, purple, throbbing, and feel like I'm constantly being hit with over-stretched rubberbands.

Tears keep welling up in my eyes... I keep trying to push them back... I am losing this fight.

I keep losing the battles, haven't won one yet... I worry I am going to lose the war.

1 comment:

  1. i am glad that your heart doesn't know how to quit (noticing the tagline at the top of your blog has changed)

    i can appreciate the worry of losing the war. but you haven't lost it yet. and you aren't losing as many battles as you think. from what i have read of you every second is a battle and the fact that you get yourself to the next second means that you have won the previous battle.

    living is a big deal, and you are still winning in that department. crying is winning too.
