Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Just an update

I don't want to fall asleep but I don't want to be awake, so I sleep when I can, no reason to be awake.

There is nothing for me to do, not much I can do... 24 hours of pain makes too long a day.

I don't leave the house.... unless I have to go to the doc but I've got those down to once every other month.... and an occassional "run" to the grocery store.

I'm not on the computer much... maybe a few minutes every few days...I can't read long paragraphs my eyes begin to water and the pain is so intense...razor blades sliding across my eyes.

Headaches all day long... and Stomach aches when I lay down for the night...

I'm not really eating... maybe one meal a day... and that's because someone else made it.
If I have to make something to eat... it's a lunchable or a pb&j.... maybe a bowl of cereal but only one of these for the day.

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