Monday, February 9, 2009

Mixed up brain and jumbled thoughts...

It's been a little over a week since I last blogged.... my brain is in a mixed state and not a fun state to be in...

I've been thinking and contemplating which way to go and what is the meaning of my existance.

I haven't seen much of God's world lately as even when I have been able to leave the house I can't remember the scenery.

Tonight when I pulled into the driveway after going to eat dinner with my dad (his birthday dinner) we noticed a rather large...NO... HUGE group of blackbirds flying to the big trees near our house.... At first I thought they were the annoying starlings that attack our neighborhood every year.... but NO....these were HUGE BLACK CROWS!!! I found them to be very unsettling and actually scary. They sat in the trees and watched us walk a few feet into the house... a few seconds later we looked out and the crows were gone.... what is the meaning in that?? There has to be some meaning!!!

I know God is everywhere....but so are evil demons... I can only pray that I am stronger with God and that he won't let me down.

Dear God... thank you for allowing me to make it outside today and to enjoy my time with my dad. Amen.

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