Friday, May 8, 2009

Being sick and having RSD...

Today is a really rough day... Here's a pic I took... It reminds me to be calm.

I don't feel well -- I have had a fever all day hovering around 101 degrees.

My stomach is rolling, tossing, and turning.... then explodes. (I'll spare the details)
I don't know whether it's the flu, the weather, stress, or just everything rolled into one... but, my body is in a huge flare!!! My feet are swollen, my joints are very painful, and every part of my body feels like it's being stuck with a million needles per inch and some how those needles have been set on FIRE!!
I can't get my mind clear... I'm still screaming...

1 comment:

  1. I am here and I hear you.

    I love you with all my heart andyou would be dearly missed by not only me but two others that I would NOT be able to face or explain your disapearence.

    Love Always
